Friday, April 9, 2010


This year Chris was travelling on business for Easter, and I decided I needed to do something fun with George.  He's old enough to want to be involved and to participate.  I invited our parents' group over for an Easter Egg hunt and brunch on Saturday.  We all had a good breakfast, then let the kids loose in the front yard with Easter baskets.  It was really cute.  These were 5 little boys aged 16 months to 21 months.  We had put out 4 dozen colored eggs, 4 dozen plastic balls, and a few for each cars and toys.  At first they went out and picked up and egg, threw it down, picked up another, set down their baskets, etc...Pretty quickly they caught on and held on to their baskets, filling them one by one with eggs or toys.

But then things got interesting.  They learned a very easy way to get more eggs.  The next two pictures are of James taking the eggs and toys out of Bowen's basket, one by one, and putting them in his.

Then George went over to check out what Drew had.

Notice how full James' basket is, and how empty Bowen's is.  But they're both perfectly happy, so we figured we'd just divvy things up after the hunt.

Once George's basket was full enough that he kept tipping it over and spilling things when he tried to walk, he decided it was time to head up to the patio to play with his new toys.  There is no difference to a young toddler between a hard-boiled egg and a ball!

Meanwhile, the other boys continued to gather, and parents continued to snap photos and wrangle children to keep them away from the street.

Then James found a ball, and George decided he really wanted the ball.  This is the first time George has used the word "mine!"  And like usual, he did it with all he had.  He chased poor James right into the bushes.  And James, also saying "mine" ran all the way under the shrub!

Clever Grandma tossed another ball out, so then George wanted that one.

Then followed some basic basket stealing, egg swapping and other normal Easter egg hunt activites.  There was not a single tear shed though, which was pretty great!

A fun morning for all.  When it was all over, George went to Grandma and Poppa's house to take a nap and I went to work!