Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Morning 2010

In spite of George's fear of Santa, he did like getting gifts.  Chris and I awoke at 6 am, too excited to sleep, though far too tired.  So we got up and I made blueberry muffins and we drank tea...lovely.  George eventually began to stir at 8 am.  We went in to greet him and told him Santa had come during the night and left him presents.  He was a bit worried.  He wouldn't walk down the hallway himself and halfway to the living room said to me, very quietly in my ear, "Santa be nice to me???"  When I explained that Santa had come and gone, he was much relieved and ran into the living room.  Below is what we watched:

After this he was so happy that he was in no hurry to open more gifts.  It is now half one in the afternoon and he's just gone to nap with more than half his gifts still unopened under the tree.  So Chris and I too are going to snuggle in for a while to rest.

A few more pictures of our lovely morning-