We said goodbye to our dear dog, Mason, yesterday. We got him 4th of July, 2000. Our friend was fostering him for a weekend and brought him to our barbeque. We heard his history, and learned that he was going to be put down as he had been adopted and returned 3 times. He was skittish when outdoors and never made eye-contact with people, but indoors he was loving and sweet. He did snap when we first got him, but that lasted only about 4 months and he never did it again. He had been badly abused and then abandoned. He came in to our lives and was our first dog "together." He was a loving, sweet dog. He was also a pain in the #*%-he barked at everything that went by and would run away to explore every chance he got. But if you couldn't sleep or were feeling blue, if Mason got in bed with you, you could sleep. It worked for us, and even for some of our houseguests. Something about Mason was very soothing when he snuggled in with you and went to sleep. He was a good dog.
Here are a few pictures I took of him yesterday afternoon. He was hurting, but still sweet and handsome.
And here are a few pictures of him from his glory days...
Goodbye Mooch. We love you.