Thursday, June 24, 2010

Silly boy in a big hat!

The other day Grandma and Poppa were in town for a couple days, and Georgie was playing in the driveway wearing one of my hats.  He looked so cute, I just had to capture it.

Georgie had been busy playing one of his favorite games, "locking and unlocking."  He loves to take keys, anyones keys, and "unlock" car doors, house doors, anything with a lock.  He uses the same key for all of them.  Poppa asked George to touch the lock on his trunk and as soon as George's finger touched the lock, Poppa used the remote to pop the trunk!  George jumped back in fright and wonder.  But then he tried to replicate it, except by then he had the remote in his hands, so we had no button to push.

I cannot resist that smile!