The above fir tree has rabbit soft needles and he thought it was fun to feel them. The one below has really tiny pinecones, which he also found very interesting.
He was very pleased with his freedom, and had a lot of fun picking up sticks and rocks. He'd pick up more and more until his hands were full, then throw them all down and start over with new rocks and new sticks. And he had to say "woc" and "tic" each time he picked a new woc or tic up.
He was also very pleased with himself for unzipping and taking off his jacket.
I love this "who me?" expression when I ask him to join us as we walked away...
Free of his coat at last, he enjoyed exploring the meadow!
At the end of the tour, he found his way back to the cookie table and convinced me to give him one more cookie. He'd had 2 an hour before. I think that's more cookies than he's had in his life (except, perhaps, at Grandma's house)...
But near the cookie table George found some froggies to play with (look at). He took the napkin he had in his hands (which mommy used to wipe cookie crumbs from his face) to "clean" the frogs.
He then spent the next 5 minutes "cleaning" the dirt off of the potting benches. I don't suppose this desire to help clean will last much into when it's actually useful, will it? But for now, it's pretty cute.