Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Brittas Bay with the Harrys

On our last day with the Harrys, they drove up to Brittas Bay with us and we spent the day together on the beach after we checked in to our cottage and opened up the Veever's cottage.  It was so nice that they came down with us, and helped us haul all of our luggage!  But it really was good, as it is so hard to say goodbye when we know we may not see many of them again for more than a year (other than via Skype video), and after spending such a wonderful week together.  It was so special to see George bonding with his Grandparents and Aunts and Uncles.  It was a very special visit.  More so even than our trip to Kent in 2007, because it's not just "us" anymore.  And everyone doted on George, and he built special friendships with this branch of his family.  And now, due to Skype, he'll remember all of them.  We have always showed George pictures of his family, but it never really meant much to him.  Now he has met all of them, adored them all, and we'll skype regularly so he'll remember them all when he sees them again.  We know this works, because he last saw his Nana (Chris' mum) in February, but he asks to skype her every weekend ("Call Nana on dat now" pointing to the video phone).

We had such a wonderful visit with all them, and it was very, very hard to say goodbye.  Chris and I both drove off in tears, with George asking for them, "I wan see Gigi!  I wan see Grandpa!  I wan see Grandma!  Where Aunt Katy!..."

It was a very windy day, especially so on that beach.  It is a beautiful, sandy beach, but seems to be a bit of a wind tunnel.  And there is a windfarm out in the sea, perhaps a half mile off shore.  So it was cold, but still a lovely time.

Grandma Karen digging a big hole for George to play in.

The whole gang: Chris standing, Katy and Dan on the far blanket, Joyce (Gigi) all wrapped up on her stool, and Johnny and Steph in the foreground.  Ray and Karen were busy playing with George.

George had so much fun crawling in and out of this hole!

He likes to kick back and relax...

and then is even happier when Daddy comes to play with him.

George and Daddy went for a walk in the surf, and you can see the pure joy in George's gait.

3 generations of Harry.

Thank you Harrys for a wonderful, very special holiday.  We love you all and miss you very much.